Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

@twiitterCity's Hijab Style part I

You'll more happy, fun and kece when you hold your friends's hand. :)
Calm and perfecto!
Let me take your photo, please.
We are young, and still youth.
We are still studying in SHS 2 Lumajang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia.
WOW! You looks so amazing!
We aren't a twin, just the cute two.
Capture, capture and capture!
Mas Pongki? (It means: WTH?)

Make your own movement!
Nice smile and cute pose.

Oh, that's us!!

Beside the road, waiting a bus.
Still wait,

Hello, I'm Tyas. But my beloved friends call me, "Nyess".
I love science!
Hello, I'm Mega. And Mega is me.

I love mathematic much.
Hello, I'm Nimas. But my beloved friends call me, "Sa un".
I love drawing, DKV wanna be.
Hello, I'm Riris. I love biology, said Mr. Tris.

Hello, I'm Prima. And I love chemistry. Because, chem is try.
Walking on the harvested farm.

Tara!! I'm a dancing queen.

Yes, you are.
That's me, Faiz Sutarsono. The kece one.

May I see my face here? Is it good?
 Taken by : All of us
Camera : Canon 30D and 7D
Friends: Almas Azka, Yuniar, Riris, Mega, Nimas, Prima, Tyas
Location : Lumajang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Hope you enjoy it!!
@twiitterCity's Hijab Style

Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012


Keep Calm and Hijab Style mungkin memang sebuah ungkapan, atau poster yang sedang trend belakangan ini. Ditambah dengan gaya berbusana islami, hijab. Kalau masalah itu, saya yakin bukan hanya sekedar trend tetapi sudah merambah ke gaya hidup. Dan ini lah momen yang bisa saya gambarkan bersama adik dan abi saya. Selamat menikmati.